Dermal Filler Treatments

Dermal fillers are used for facial line smoothing. Facial lines are one of the effects age has on the skin as it loses elasticity and volume. The dermal fillers used are based on hyaluronic acid which is a non-animal based gel used to diminish lines and wrinkles. No skin testing is required unlike with collagen. Skin will appear softer, smoother and younger.

Below is a list of commonly asked questions.

Which facial areas can be treated?

Most areas of the face can be treated, the most common being:

Frown lines (between eyebrows)
Smile lines (Naso-Labial lines on the cheeks)
Mouth lines (corners of mouth)
Marionette lines
Lip enhancement
Chin indentations

Are Dermal Fillers safe?

Yes, Dermal fillers are very safe. They have been extensively tested.

When will I see the effects?

The effects are instant. The treatment itself takes approximately 30 minutes.

Is the treatment painful?

The area is first numbed using a topical anaesthetic cream or a local anaesthetic injection if required. The fillers themselves contain an anaesthetic component so most clients experience little or no discomfort.

How long will the effects last?

The effects will usually last for between 9-12 months. This varies from individual to individual and will also depend on skin type, facial activity and amount of filler used.

Are there any long term complications?

No. As the fillers are a natural substance and non-permanent, they are eventually evenly broken down by the body. If the fillers are not topped up, the effects will subside and your skin will revert to how it looked before commencement of treatment.

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