

Littledown centre is closing from Monday 4th December 2023 until Tuesday 2nd January 2024 for essential repair works. This means the clinic at the Littledown Centre will be closed during this time. I will be offering a limited number of appointments from home during this period. I therefore advise anyone wanting treatments in the run up to Christmas to make sure you book in for November. This would be a better time to have treatment anyway to allow the effects to be as good as possible in time for Christmas. Please do not hesitate to contact me for more information.

NHS needs your plasma!

The NHS Blood service really needs people who’ve had Covid to donate plasma. This helps their research and could be directly responsible for helping develop more treatments. I did this yesterday at the Poole Blood Donation Centre. It is a painless process with dedicated staff. They also give you free drinks and snacks! As always the NHS is always looking for people to donate blood as well. If you can help in this aspect, the NHS would be very grateful to hear from you. Here are some links and a picture!

Plasma donation in the Dolphin Centre Poole

Reopening update 22/02/2021

Hi everybody.
It looks like I can reopen from April12th. I’m currently confirming with the pratices I work from when there are rooms available for me. This is due to all the changes that have been happening during the current lockdown especially with the vaccination programme that I have been involved in. I should have this confirmation by tomorrow, so will be in touch with those on my waiting list tomorrow to book you all in! If you’re not on my list and would like to book in, please get in touch and i’ll get back to you ASAP with available appointments.
I look forward to seeing you all.
Best wishes,
Dr Gavin Pereira, BM DRCOG MAcadMEd


Operating during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Myself and the GP Practices have worked very hard to ensure the clinic is as safe as possible with. The health and wellbeing of clients and staff is my highest priority. High standards of infection control and robust processes have been put into place including;

  • Any member of staff who develops symptoms or tests positive for the disease (or if someone they live with develops symptoms or tests positive), will not be permitted to enter the clinic.
  • All GP Practices are CQC registered with have extensive knowledge and experience in infection control.
  • All staff will be wearing appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE), including masks, eye protection and gloves.
  • Appointment times have been extended to allow for appropriate cleaning and ventilation of the treatment room between clients.

Even though cases of the virus are declining, it is still circulating in the population and is likely to be present in the local community. In order to reduce the overall risks and minimise the amount of time you need to spend in the clinic with facet o face contact, I will try to gather as much necessary information as possible prior to your appointment, via relevant questionnaires and consent forms. Important points to note include;

  • If you, or anyone who lives with you, have symptoms related to COVID-19, do not come to the clinic. Symptoms primarily include a dry cough and/or a temperature of 37.8°C or more. Other symptoms are loss of the sense of taste or smell, fatigue, confusion, sore throat, vomiting and diarrhoea. I recommend not attending the clinic and informing me if you have ANY symptoms of feeling unwell.
  • If you, your partner, or any other person who lives with you or is in your bubble, tests positive for COVID-19, even if asymptomatic, please do not come to the clinic.
  • Please arrive 5 minutes before your appointment and wait in your car. I will call you when I am ready for your appointment. You will then be admitted into the building and be taken straight into my treatment room. Please make sure I have an up to date mobile phone number.
  • Clients attending the clinic in person will be required to follow social distancing rules and whenever possible to keep the 2 metres recommended distance. We will have markings on the floor to assist you and signage throughout the clinic.
  • Clients will only be admitted into the building one at a time, even if you have come with another person. If you require someone to be with you, please let me know in advance.
  • On entering the clinic, you will be required to have your temperature taken and be asked questions on your health, wellbeing and if you have any symptoms.
  • Hand sanitiser must be used on entry and exit of the building.
  • Please wear a face mask to your appointment. If it needs to be removed for your treatment, this will be for the shortest duration possible.
  • Please do not bring personal possessions to the clinic. Please limit the wearing of jewelry. Wedding rings may be worn provided hands are kept clear from the face.
  • There is no access to the waiting room at this current time. This will be reviewed as appropriate.
  • Clients will be asked to attend with no make-up for facial assessment and treatment.

Best wishes
Dr Gavin Pereira BM DRCOG MAcadMEd


Dear all,

I’m pleased to announce that I am now taking bookings again from Saturday July 4th. Please contact me via email, text, WhatsApp or call to book your appointment.
Please be aware that if the government changes the date, your appointment may have to be rescheduled. Lastly please look at the update below for information about venue changes and how your appointment will be conducted.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Best wishes,
Dr Gavin Pereira BM DRCOG MAcadMEd


Dear all,

I hope you are keeping well and safe as lockdown opens up. Subject to government confirmation, which may change, I am hoping to reopen on Saturday July 4th. Once this date has been confirmed, I will be able to start booking you in.

I also wanted to update you on some significant changes that will be taking place once I am allowed to reopen. Hygiene and minimising risk is at the forefront of my thoughts in order to protect my clients and staff. Consulting rooms will be thoroughly cleaned and ventilated between each client. I will also be wearing PPE so will look a bit different to normal! Therefore the following measures will be put into place:

1) Clients will be required to wait in their cars or outside the entrance to the building if on foot until I am ready to receive you. Once I am ready, I will ring you and ask you to come to the entrance so that you can be admitted to the building and taken directly into the consulting room. I will therefore need an up to date mobile phone number before I can book you in.

2) I know a lot of you come in pairs or larger groups, but at the moment, in order to keep up as much social distancing as possible, I can only see you one at a time.

3) Before being given an appointment, you will need to confirm that you are currently not isolating or shielding. You will also need to confirm you do not have any signs of any infection, including fever, cough and breathing problems. You will also need to confirm you have not been in contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with Covid-19.

4) 2 days before your appointment I will be emailing over a special consent form that will need to be signed prior to any treatment. It can be signed and sent back over email or signed and handed to me on the day.

I look forward to seeing you all very soon.

Best wishes
Dr Gavin Pereira. BM DRCOG MAcadMEd 15/06/2020

Hi all,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well. Since the government announcement yesterday, I’ve had a lot of clients messaging and call asking if I have reopened and wanting to book an appointment. Believe me, I would love to reopen, but unfortunately I can’t. It is still illegal. I cannot stress this enough.

Some of you have told me of other clinics reopening and treating clients. I must reiterate, this is illegal. You have to wonder what sort of people are willing to practice illegally. It is likely that their insurance would also be invalid. That puts you at risk.

The safety of my clients and being fully insured as a protection for my clients is my biggest responsibility and I will not jeopardise this.

I want to reassure you that as soon as I have a date I can legally open I will post it on here and on the website. Some of you have asked to be put on the waiting list to be treated as soon as possible. This list is getting quite long now! Please contact me if you’d like to be put on this list and be in the first wave of clients treated.

In the meantime, I will be available for the NHS for as much as I’m needed. I am also continuing my role at Southampton Medical School.

I am missing you all and looking forward to seeing you all soon. Please keep well, stay safe and when the time comes, choose a responsible practitioner (hopefully me!)

Best wishes


Dr Gavin Pereira BM DRCOG MAcadMEd